Diego Depaoli wrote:
2009/7/18 Taco Hoekwater
: Yue Wang wrote:
In my humble opinion this is because TeX manages memory by it self... and maybe a 64bit memory word of packed data uses twice of memory as 32bits one.... I am not sure. It could be because web2c by default declares the integer type as "long int" on 64-bit platforms, and that that is what makes everything twice the size, but the --enable-dump-share argument to configure is supposed to prevent it from doing so, so it seems something odd is going on. Can you try to check the sizeof(integer) within a debugger?
(the 64bit linux is indeed faster than the 32bit linux on the same hardware) There is anywhere a benchmark file?
Not really, I just run the luatexref-t.tex document for timing tests. Best wishes, Taco