On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 23:58, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Uoooops ... I just noticed that we filter the version with svn list $LUATEX_SVN/tags | grep beta | tail -1 | tr -d '/' but this version is named 0.42.0, no beta prefix, so the sources didn't get updated yet (I was away in the meantime).
no problem, I just now created an extra tag _with_ the prefix, and will try to think about that from now on.
I wasn't sure. It could have been on purpose (you'll probably want to drop the beta tag one day and I thought that maybe that day has come already :). I'll wait at least for Akira's binary (linux, linux-64, mac and freebsd binaries have been commited by now (thanks guys); only freebsd-amd64, linux-ppc and solaris are missing, but that should be OK) and then I'll unfreeze the beta. Or maybe I should just take the svn version (2888; beta was 2881/2882). Thanks, Mojca