Dear builders (in particular Piotr and Michael), The scripts should be fixed now. At least I hope so. Please make sure to do svn up before running the scripts again since there are some vital changes that are needed to account for the changes. List of changes: - remove building xetex, pdftex and luatex_trunk by default (but you may still build them; pdftex and xetex will still be sent to server, while luatex_trunk will not as it makes no sense to store it on server) - I have removed "current" in hierarchy (dropped one level) - a copy of the latest luatex now resides in <arch>/luatex/current together with some symlinks - some symlinks (dviluatex, mfplain) won't be used in minimals, but they are needed for the new TeX Live. I would be glad if at least Piotr and Michael would test if everything works fine (since there is luatex waiting to be updated) until it breaks for everyone :). Cygwin is probably abandoned? Pavneet promissed to provide binaries for sparc solaris. The rest will have the first opportunity to test only once the new luatex or metapost comes out. You are still welcome to try out building trunk, pdftex or xetex every now and then, but since the developers are hardly responsive to fix bugs and since building xetex and pdftex is broken on at least half of the platforms, it makes no sense to build them on regular basis. Some news may follow shortly. Mojca My TODO list: - [low priority] add pdftools to building chain - [middle-low] add showttf to building chain - [high] add mswin to SVN - [low] inherit options from top level to other scripts, so that it will be possible to run "./do_all.sh --engines=xetex,luatex_trunk" for example - [high] add the missing platforms to tlcontrib.metatex.org - [high] implement automatic notifications for tlcontrib.metatex.org (a simple script) - [middle-high] have shared ownership for tlcontrib, so that both me and you will be able to fix packages on tlcontrib - [middle-low] solaris-sparc On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 18:13, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Dear binary builders,
I might mess up with SVN repository containing the binaries a bit today/tomorrow. So please don't run the updates yet. Once it's done, I will let you know. (I plan to drop building XeTeX and pdfTeX by default, though I will probably leave both source repositories there ... just in case that anyone *will* want to build or test them.)