On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Mojca Miklavec
c) building on FreeBSD I need some hacks to build pdftex and xetex, but it's unrelated
How ugly hacks? I have added plenty of "hacks" to build stuff on Mac OS X. If you need source patching I'm not sure if I can help (though one can always ask the developers), but if you need some extra switches let me know. No, no extra switches needed. Hacks are needed by build-xetex if icu is already installed and build-pdftex to workaround some bashism.
- it's possible to force rebuilding even if versions match Not through do_all.sh.
My idea was that if something goes wrong, one can still run one step after another. It should be easy to force building all the binaries through do_all.sh if you need it (but then it needs to be "--force-build" to distinguish between forcing building and forcing commiting or whatever else). I agree. That's a great improvement, but my most welcome news is commit binary succesfully built even if some other fails.
Cheers -- Diego Depaoli