On 10/08/2010 12:24 PM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Taco, - I could easily upload luatex for all the architectures that we have in minimals without bothering each binary builder to do the same (I just didn't do it so far)
Great, can you so at least for the most obvious current platforms then? I can also do it myself, but because of the close link to minimals I thought it would be better if I didn't (and besides, it is not the best of ideas for me to 'own' a great many packages).
- But then: I would prefer to discuss over Skype about the best method that would not require any human interaction (apart from running a simple script; either manually or as a cron job) to get luatex into both tlcontrib and minimals at the same time.
Yes, I know we should work something out. However, in order to get a broader audience (and therefore testers and helpers), I think it should now be the first priority to get tlcontrib far enough ready that it can be announced on c.t.t. and tex-live. And that means that the most common architectures should be covered asap. I do not care too much about e.g. kfreebsd and alpha-linux at this point, but definitely win32 should be in, and whatever is the most normal binary set on darwin. Best wishes, Taco