On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Arthur Reutenauer
How about:
intel == i386 amd64 == x86_64 (and just forget about ia64 == itanium)
Sounds good to me. Since Intel imposed its name on the x86 processor family, it sounds only fair that we choose AMD for the subclass of 64-bit processors :-) By the way, I wonder how Intel, the company, feels about all this; I read somewhere that Xerox was unhappy about its name being used as a synonym for photocopy (and it's indeed amazing how the widespread the word has become, I even saw it in Kazakhstan. Of course, there it's spelled ксерокс).
and then:
freebsd freebsd-intel linux-64 linux-amd64 linux-ppc linux-ppc linux linux-intel (or just linux?) mswin mswin osx-intel osx-intel osx-ppc osx-ppc osx-universal osx-universal sun solaris-sparc (this *is* sparc, yes?) - solaris-intel
Looks great, but I don't know if the change can be made today without breaking everything.
OK, so for the time being, I'll use solaris-intel and rename sun to solaris-sparc (which is broken anyway since I didn't get any new binaries :P) I would not rename linux, and I only know two freebsd users so far (we could start parsing the logs and savisg some info), so renaming freebsd into freebsd-intel should not be a problem. (Don't these binaries work on "all" processors?) We can do that for 64-bit linux as well ... just read forward ... I still have an item on my TODO list: create a more user-friendly installer (& switch to git somehow). I would do any renames (and maybe switch to osx-universal?) together with that move (old binaries can stay on the server for some time). If people will want to swich to the new installer, they "won't notice" renaming. (Actually, if they reinstall again, the installer should download another tree and leave the old one there - in case of any troubles, reruning [some new version of] first-setup.sh should solve the problem entirely.) Mojca