On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 20:00, Hans Hagen wrote:
Peter Münster wrote:
It seems, that minimals-sources are no more updated once per hour:
">> luatex beta-0.40.1 is at the latest version already"
But luatex-beta-0.40.3 is out since this morning.
Weird ... I'm trying to remember why it worked before and/or why it stopped working. I cannot recall what I have changed (or that I have disabled any cron job at all). Maybe it's just because I was usually so eager to replace the latest version that I wanted to try it before "hourly synchronisation" would take place and then synchronised the repository manually :) :) :) :) Anyway ... I synced the sources manually and then added a line to /etc/cron.hourly on metatex server, no idea if it will work now, but at least it has a slightly higher chance than before.
the garden has both minimals and a git repository and we've decided (in order to limit the number of beta's in the git repos as otherwise we might end up with huge lists of betas) to stick to midnight updates; the pragma website can have a higher frequency op updating
That's not related. Binary sources are synchronised with a different script on a different server. ----- Btw: is synchronisation with rsync -acv in build-binaries.sh any faster now in comparison to the situation before? Mojca