Hi Karel, Karel SkoupĂ˝ wrote:
Hi all,
as Hans has already mentioned, my concern with luatex is to have some interface/protocol for formatting the TeX stuff externally.
.. [snip] ...
At the moment, I don't remember anything else. I'm looking forward for your feedback.
It will take some time before I fully understand your post, but I want to bring up something that Hans and I have talked about recently, namely the addition of 'nodelist registers' analogous to \toks registers. The idea was to have registers and read/write syntax to allow things like this (rough ideas, api may change yet): \list0=\unhbox0 % now \list0 contains a node list \list1={Hello world!} % now \list1 also contains a node list \list2={\hsize=12in } % error: only node-building allowed \write16{\the\list0 } % like \showlists, but using a fully % restorable read syntax \hsize=2in \the\list0 \par % typeset the node list \noindent hello world! \list0=\lastlist % gobbles the node list from this par % before anything is done to it. Cheers, Taco