On 2/5/22 12:08 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2/5/2022 11:43 AM, Petr Olsak wrote:
If I try:
\afterassignment\test \advance\count0 by2
then \test is processed immediately after the \advance command. But if I do:
\afterassignment\test \toksapp 0{xx} \the\toks0
then \test waits to another assignment than \toksapp. It means, that \toksapp <toks> (and friends \gtoksapp etc.) is not assignment. Is it an intention or a bug? it's intention ... these prepend and append things are a command class on their own which is why we have explicit g and x variants
I respect the intention but I don't understand your argument. The \def is a command on its own too, it has explicit g and x variants and _it is_ assignment. After \tracingall we can see {changing \toks0=} {into \toks0=xx} which is similar report as {changing \m=undefined} {into \m=macro:-> xx} when \def\m{xx} is traced. Petr