Hello Hans Thank you for your prompt reply.
One of the participants asked: "What was the rationale behind choosing the embed route by the LuaTeX team?"
the motives for doing ot the way we do has been discussed in articles and presentations several times the last couple of years so it makes no sense to repeat that again
I'm sorry, Hans, but I've not been able to find the resources you refer to. I've done an internet search http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=embed+extend+luatex and I've not found anything yet. Please would you supply URLs explain why the LuaTeX team chose to embed rather than extend.
the reasons for choosing lua are (1) we like it, (2) it's small and stable, (3) it does not add updating, huge libraries and depencies mess to tex distributions, (4) it's fast, (5) it's made for this purpose
Ah, you may have misunderstood me. Perhaps I was not clear enough. My question is not why did you choose Lua, but why did you choose to embed rather than to extend. [snip] -- Jonathan