Chris Rowley wrote:
* to switch from hyphenating glyphs to hyphenating characters
That's the best news I have heard in many a long decade!
I would be very interseted in reading the documentation for such innovations (or even to help writing it ... oops, what am I saying???).
There is a preliminary chapter in the manual already (just wait until tomorrow).
* to remove the language-related limits
For example: * TeX's words are 64 characters maximum * The pattern and hyphenation memory sizes are fixed * hyphenation exceptions don't scale (i.e. you can't create a language solely by means of \hyphenation) * \patterns are illegal in non-initex runs * you can't add new patterns to any language after any hyphenation attempt has taken place (in any other language at all) * \uchyph is a paragraph-scoped property, not word-based Best wishes, Taco