Le 24 déc. 07 à 21h50, Taco Hoekwater a écrit :
Something changed from 10.4 to 10.5
I spent 30 minutes installing 10.5 and after ten minutes decided to return to 10.4 (which took me a few hours). Nothing worked anymore, neither X, nor Classic. And to install Time Machine I needed twice the hard disk I had... Now I'm desperately trying to install SheepShaver so that I'll still be able to run my Classic application (FontStudio!) when I finally switch to 10.5... Anhyone has tried it? -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D. yannis.haralambous@telecom- bretagne.eu | | Professor http://omega.enstb.org/ yannis | | Tel. +33 (0) | | Fax +33 (0) | | Computer Science Department | | TELECOM Bretagne | | Technopole de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France | | Google-Earth coordinates: 48°21'31.57"N 4° 34'16.76"W | +----------------------------------------------------------------------- + ...pour distinguer l'exterieur d'un aquarium, mieux vaut n'etre pas poisson ...the ball I threw while playing in the park has not yet reached the ground Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern ueber Schubert sprechen, nur Naechtens den Baeumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzaehlen moegen.