On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 10:49:03AM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
On 10/24/2013 10:00 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 24.10.2013 um 09:45 schrieb Pierre Bovet
: OK, that was not a good example… But the the message above is coming with any other otf fonts:
fonts > names > globbing path '/Library/Fonts/**.ttf'
mtx-context | fatal error: no return code, message: luatex: execution interrupted
Can you remove the Skia.ttf (copy it to another directory) font from /Library/Fonts, this helped on my system to get rid of the error message.
It is definitely Skia.ttf itself, and not its permissions. After my upgrade to Mavericks, I got a fresh Skia.ttf (491796 bytes), and even though the permissions were fine (644), it crashes luatex, standalone fontforge, and ttx.
The fontforge crash is in the code for handling AAT’s Multiple Masters-like thing, and Skia is the only ever publicly available font that implements it. The font opens fine in our SortsMill fork because we dropped that code, together with support for other AAT table since it was buggy and full of comments complaining about obscure, contradicting or even absent Apple documentation. My suggestion is to do the same in LuaTeX, I doubt any one is going to bother with writing an AAT shaper and that is a good shunk of code (and potential bugs) to get rid of. Regards, Khaled