11 Dec
11 Dec
4:37 p.m.
Hi everybody, I have this message showing up for some time now: luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: Font "CambriaB.ttf" not found. every time I compile the same file. This message is quite recent (TeXLive 2022 ?). It is also strange that I need to state explicitly : \setmainfont{Cambria.otf}[ BoldFont=CambriaB.ttf, ItalicFont=CambriaI.ttf, BoldItalicFont=CambriaI.ttf, BoldItalicFeatures={RawFeature={embolden=5}} ] at the same time (see post https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/657372/lualatex-cannot-use-bold-camb... ) Any idea what's going wrong with Cambria ? I am using TeXLive/Windows if that matters. Thanks for your help. -- Fabrice