On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 09:55:33AM +0200, Jonathan Sauer wrote:
Not to forget: Some characters inside (...) need to be escaped (`\', unmatched `(' and `)', line ends, ...)
Of course (although according to the PDF spec, line ends need not be escaped):
| Within a literal string, the backslash (\) is used as an escape character
| for various purposes, such as to include newline characters, [...]
| If a string is too long to be conveniently placed on a single line, it may
| be split across multiple lines by using the backslash character at the end
| of a line to indicate that the string continues on the following line. The
| backslash and the end-of-line marker following it are not considered part
| of the string.
| If an end-of-line marker appears within a literal string without a
| preceding backslash, the result is equivalent to \n (regardless of whether
| the end-of-line marker was a carriage return, a line feed, or both).
Yours sincerely