Javier Bezos wrote:
Below is my first attempt, which reencodes a T1 font to Unicode (still a hack for testing). Accents are misplaced and there is an error:
Error in processing VF font (ptmr8t.vf): invalid character code, virtual font will be ignored
but I have no idea what's wrong. At least, kerns and ligatures seem to be right. (With 0.29 for Windows.)
You are copying the value of f.type into u.type before returning the table (in the the for loop) so the font is never registered as 'virtual' and consequently luatex tries to do vf resolving on its own. But because you have already reencoded the base font, the values in the vf no longer make sense. This is harmless for the 'type', but bad for 'encodingbytes'. You should move
u.encodingbytes = 2 u.type = 'virtual'
to the end of the tounicode function Best wishes, Taco