6 Sep
6 Sep
2:01 p.m.
Am 06.09.2010 10:54, schrieb Patrick Gundlach:
What about patterns, are they going to be case-sensitive, too? That could resolve one class of homonyms in German language, e.g.,
spie-len-de vs. Spiel-en-de
"Spielende" can be hyphenated the first way if it starts at the beginning of the sentence:
"Spie-len-de Kinder sehe ich jeden Tag."
Ouch, didn't think about capitalisation at sentence beginning! As in German language every word can be at the beginning of a sentence, case-sensitive hyphenation would indeed introduce new errors (where there are clear rules what hyphenation to prefer for homonyms in our patterns currently). Case-sensitive hyphenation seems to need grammar analysis. Best regards, Stephan Hennig