On 20 Jul 2021, at 21:51, Michal Vlasák
wrote: On Tue Jul 20, 2021 at 7:56 PM CEST, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
That code has been around since 2010 (luatex 0.60-ish). I can’t remember exactly why I did that odd copying to a temp array, but I do remember that that particular function was quite problematic w.r.t. endianness and (cross)compiler issues (read: bugs, as in “internal compiler error").
Thank you for your valuable insight Taco. My thinking was skewed because I read the history incorrectly, thinking it was more of a mistake that slipped into a big commit.
It was definitely on purpose at the time. But that doesn’t mean you are wrong: your patch should probably be applied. More than a decade later, the original compiler problems should be fixed by now (one would hope so!). There are massive gaps in the luatex part of the svn history of tex-live, so I don’t think you read the history wrong either, it is just that big chunks of luatex’s development have not taken place in the texlive repository. Best wishes, Taco — Taco Hoekwater E: taco@bittext.nl genderfluid (all pronouns)