"TH" == Taco Hoekwater writes:
/usr/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: Undefined symbols: _libintl_gettext
TH> This one is simple to fix, I forgot to suppress libintl (gettext)
TH> in fontforge's configuration. There are two lines containing
TH> inside src/libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/config.h.in (one is
TH> enough really, the other one is a fluke)
TH> If you put those in C comment tags (like the _HAS_LONGLONG is
TH> already) then this error will go away, I am sure.
maybe it fixed apple-darwin, but it broke sparc-solaris. :(
here is why:
* on solaris, there IS /usr/include/libintl.h, so HAVE_LIBINTL_H
would've been normally defined. but hardwiring "#undef HAVE_LIBINTL_H"
fools the libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/intl.h to believe that there
is no libintl.h in the system, and it executes the branch
"#if !defined( HAVE_LIBINTL_H )" which has:
# define bindtextdomain(domain,dir)
# define bind_textdomain_codeset(domain,enc)
# define textdomain(domain)
# define dgettext(domain,str) (str)
* then, many fontforge headers have #include