Hi Reinhard, Reinhard Kotucha a écrit :
The problem is that kpse resolves symlinks before computing SELFAUTO* (which is what you want in most cases). So SELFAUTOLOC ends up being texmf-dist/scripts/ppoxer4 which obviously gives the wrong result. A general approach to this is to use kpse.set_program_name(arg[-1], 'ppower4') which works on all platforms (I'm using it in texdoc and never got any complaint). As you probably know, arg[-1] is the name of the Lua interpreter used for the current script, which gives good results for computing SELFAUTO*. I guess that's the whole purpose of the two-arguments form of kpse.set_program_name. (Btw, at some point there was a bug in kpse so that the first argument was ignored on GNU platforms and SELFAUTO* set to "correct" values even if the argument was "wrong" on platform using the GNU libc. So this kind of problem was hidden on, eg Linux, when this bug was present. After the bug was fixed, I looked a bit for othe occurences in TeX Live, but apparently I missed some of them.) Manuel.