Taco Hoekwater
David Kastrup wrote:
But I consider it more likely that nc should be changed to 1370:107
And also, I applied this change to luatex.web (and fixed the documentation sting back). TeX's conversions are approximations anyway, I see little point in changing the conversion arithmetic.
Unfortunately, Knuth is a practical joker. The old documentation string, while sounding reassuring, is actually also wrong. With the code he has written there, the requirement is that the _sum_ of num and denum does not exceed 32768. Which happens to be the case for his ratios, but not for _either_ of the new ones. Check the following: This is luaTeX, Version 3.141592-snapshot-2007040210 (Web2C 7.5.6) **\relax *\dimen0=9.9998nd *\showthe\dimen0
7.44438pt. <*> \showthe\dimen0
? *\dimen0=10nd *\showthe\dimen0
10.66977pt. <*> \showthe\dimen0
? * So I recommend that you change the ratio of nd either to 1370:1284 (which reinstates the 12nd=1nc relation), or better change it to the closest usable ratio which is 11183:10481. So it looks like neither the new cicero nor the new didot have a chance to be represented exactly. Too bad. I am still being sidetracked from what I really wanted to look at. Does anybody actually _use_ those new dimensions? -- David Kastrup