Can you do these in luatex as well?
Yes, but please give me some time. Let me first produce the document which explains TeX-e-Parsi's changes. At first glance: From the pdf's I do
not see anything that Omega could not do with ease 8 years ago. See the attached from a journal done in luatex.
The fact is, " I did not typeset them, those files just were some sample files already being there." Yes, the output you have sent looks super good. I think this is not a good way of comparing outputs. We should have a sample complex bidirectional text which contain everything in it (boxes, LTR and RTL texts, poems, colors, diagrams, footnotes and ...) and then compare the produced outputs. Please also note that I am using LaTeX not context. _________________________________________________________________ Time for change? Find your ideal job with SEEK. http://a.ninemsn.com.au/b.aspx?URL=http%3A%2F%2Fninemsn%2Eseek%2Ecom%2Eau%2F%3Ftracking%3Dsk%3Atl%3Ask%3Anine%3A0%3Ahottag%3Achange&_t=757263783&_r=SEEK_tagline&_m=EXT