Hi, I have just uploaded the archives for a new luatex release, 0.62.0. This is a development release, but it also fixes some nasty bugs in beta 0.61.0, so if you use that right now, upgrading is recommended. News: * LuaTeX now uses libpoppler (0.12.4) instead of xpdf. * All backend functions now report what file they were searching for whenever a file cannot be found. * Input-ed lua files are now mentioned in the fls file if the --recorder switch is specified on the command line. * Paragraph indentation hlist nodes and hlist and vlist nodes generated by alignment rows and cells now have a subtype (3 for indent box, 4 for rows/columns, 5 for cells). * The 'epdf' lib is in active development and still growing. * The 'fontforge' table is finally removed (was deprecated since 0.40). Bugfixes: * A new mplib import fixes two bad bugs in mplib: - string equality test was wrong - type declarations could delete pre-existing variables * PNG images with transparency could create random size differences in the generated PDF. * In some special cases, font expansion could cause wrong spacing in the generated PDF. * \letterspacefont was broken since a very long time. * The node subtype of the \leftskip and \rightskip glues was wrong. * Some memory leaks have been removed. * Various manual fixes. The archives can be downloaded from supelec as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/luatex/ You could also check out the sources via anonymous svn: svn co http://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.62.0 Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco