Hi all, I have made a first snapshot available, now that it processes torture.tex correctly. This is not a 'release' per se, so please do not be offended by the extreme lack of install instructions and manual. Some hints are at the end of this message. The snapshot is up to par with Aleph-RC4 (from texlive devel) and the latest pdftex beta (even newer than 20060811). However, there are some differences, to summarize: * There is no pool file (all strings are embedded) * -8bit and -translate-file are silently ignored * There is no mltex nor enctex (conflicts with aleph) * The tex functionality is always present and enabled (but see below about TeXXeT), so the asterisk or -etex switch for initex is not needed * "plus 1 filllllllll" does not generate any errors from TeX * TeXXeT (from eTeX) is not present, so the primives \TeXXeTstate \beginR \beginL \endR \endL are missing * The experimental pdftex regex match operations are removed, because that feature does not make much sense when lua is available so the primitives \pdfmatch \pdflastmatch are missing * The input translations from Aleph are not implemented, the 16 related primitives are all missing \DefaultInputMode \noDefaultInputMode \noInputMode \InputMode \DefaultOutputMode \noDefaultOutputMode \noOutputMode \OutputMode \DefaultInputTranslation \noDefaultInputTranslation \noInputTranslation \InputTranslation \DefaultOutputTranslation \noDefaultOutputTranslation \noOutputTranslation \OutputTranslation All file IO assumes UTF-8, except that all the low-ascii controls except TAB, CR en LF are written to the terminal using ^^ notation (even these are binary in the log file). * Input characters can use the full range of Unicode, but it probably only makes sense to use values above the base plane for \mathcode and \catcode assignments, since the fonts as well as the hyphenation patterns are strictly 16-bit still. * The primitives \pdfpagewidth and \pagewidth, \pdfpageheight and \pageheight, \fontcharwd and \charwd, \fontcharht and \charht, \fontchardp and \chardp, \fontcharic and \charic, are all aliases of eachother. * The new primitive \clearmarks<number> clears a marks class completely. * The experimental pdftex primitives \pdfprimitive \ifpdfprimitive \ifpdfabsnum \ifpdfabsdim and provided without the extra 'pdf' prefix, so they are simply called \primitive \ifprimitive \ifabsnum \ifabsdim instead. * I probably forgot to mention some things :-) Have fun, Taco Downloading and installation details: If you go to https://foundry.supelec.fr/frs/?group_id=10&release_id=160 you will see that there are three released files: * luatex-snapshot-20060818.tar.gz This is the source tree. * luatex-snapshot-20060818-win32.zip A cross-compiled (mingw) windows binary. This is a web2c based binary, so it needs a texmf.cnf file (It will NOT work if you have only miktex installed). This executable cannot run dynamically loaded lua dlls. Perhaps that can be fixed but I do not know how. * luatex-snapshot-20060818-linux-i386.tar.gz A linux binary. This needs ld-linux.so.2, so you need a somewhat modern linux for that, but compiling from source for linux should not be a problem. The binaries should go in a 'normal' TeX binary folder like texmf/bin or texmf-win32/bin so that they can find your texmf.cnf automatically. If you put them elsewhere, you have to set the TEXMFCNF environment variable. There is no pool file, so you do not have to worry about that. For meaningful unicode input and hyphenation, you need a file that sets the \lccode etc. values for chars with a value higher than 256. One such file is part of the xetex distribution (unicode-letters.tex). Greetings, Taco