- What is planned between 2008 and 2010?
well, we have a wish list, but hen we have enough lua callbacks we may
not need to add much; eventually there will be a tex kernel (in c) with a c interface; currently global properties will become structures, maybe we will be abel to run multiple instances .. who knowns
What do you mean by the latter?
Well, as soon as I have figured out how to correctly load OpenType fonts ... incidentally, that is an place the manual could use some work: Section 4.12.2 explains how to get a metrics table from an OpenType font -- but now, what this metrics table contains. That makes it quite difficult to convert it to a tfm font table.
this is not for the manual, since there are many implementations possible and the whole idea behind luatex is that we only provide interfaces, no solutions;
Sure, but examples on how to use these interfaces can go a long way. And IMO a documentation of the OpenType font metrics table is indeed for the manual. Otherwise, how should one be able to create a solution?
we have plans to write a luatex book (starting next year) that may contain example code
A book on dead trees? Considering the pace at which LuaTeX develops (and most likely will continue to develop, considering above roadmap), I wonder if this book will not either be in the stores too late or out of date.
so, for the moment, consider it an experiment, next year, consider it reality and after that integration with macropackages will follow (well, up to he macro package writers of course)
Who can only write code if they have the documentation.