Hi luigi, thanks for response.
luigi scarso
writes: I will check, but , in case , for sure no fix for this texlive:
Of course, no problem.
2) pdftex and luatex are different engines, it is expected that some outputs are anf will be different. Example: %%test.tex %% replace <TEXT> with %% a very long line in japanese text, longer than 79 "chars", without newline. \wlog{% <TEXT> } \bye You can compare the log with pdftex and luatex.
These are the kind of things that should be addressed at the format level, if possible, or modifying the parsing method, if possible, being open to the fact: "different engines, different output".
I think it would be diffcult to address this issue by parsing only, because the latter part of the error context, placed on the second line, sometimes begins with whitespace: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- l.6 ...ity of an initial subsequence of length \(n\) is \(2^{-n}\). For exampl... ^ This whitespace is actually the first character of the latter part. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you tell whether the amount of shift varies or is fixed to 2 characters? If fixed, preview-latex can take care of it. Regards, Ikumi Keita #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine