30 Dec
30 Dec
4:13 p.m.
Furthermore you all talk about LTR and RTL, but what about vertical typesetting, in the Chinese or in >the Mongolian way? Obviously TeX-e-Parsi doesn't care about that.
It's true. and I think Omega did not handle that well either.
Actually, Omega did a reasonable job, the bottleneck was that no conforming font was available. The examples I sent in my other mail use exclusively Omega features, apart for the part where I play with the font callback (the 2nd step in my file). I did experiments with Manju in Omega half a dozen years ago, using Oliver Corff's MonTeX / ManjuTeX system as a starting point. I wrote OTP, I modified the Type 1 fonts and the metrics and it worked fine, but the files have long been lost. Arthur