"TH" == Taco Hoekwater writes:
TH> I am going through this now. My comments:
TH> xxx/xxx/Makefile: Patches are fine for texlive, but I will not
TH> apply these changes in the upstream. These packages do not use
TH> autoconf (yet) and I really need the -Wall etc. while developing.
TH> libs/luafilesystem/src/lfs.c: I changedthat a bit because your
TH> patch broke compilation on win32.
yeah, i didn't notice that this declaration was in the #else
conditional. i should have used this instead:
--- libs/luafilesystem/src/lfs.c
+++ libs/luafilesystem/src/lfs.c
@@ -256,6 +256,8 @@
static int dir_iter (lua_State *L) {
#ifdef _WIN32
struct _finddata_t c_file;
+ struct dirent *entry;
dir_data *d = (dir_data *)lua_touserdata (L, lua_upvalueindex (1));
luaL_argcheck (L, !d->closed, 1, "closed directory");
@@ -281,7 +283,6 @@
- struct dirent *entry;
if ((entry = readdir (d->dir)) != NULL) {
lua_pushstring (L, entry->d_name);
return 1;
TH> libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/basics.h: what was the problem? You
TH> have commented out some typedefs, but these should be harmless.
TH> (Fontforge is upstream for me myself, so I prefer not to make
TH> changes to headers unlees absolutely necessary.)
i was getting errors:
xlc -g -c -o splinerefigure.o -I../../../../libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc -I../../../../libs/luafontforge/fontforge/fontforge -I. -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -D_NO_PYTHON=1 -DHAVE_LANGINFO_H=1 -DX_DISPLAY_MISSING=1 -DHAVE_LONG_DOUBLE=1 -D_HAS_LONGLONG=1 -DNODYNAMIC=1 -D_NO_FREETYPE=1 -D_NO_LIBUNINAMESLIST=1 -DFONTFORGE_CONFIG_NO_WINDOWING_UI=1 -DLUA_FF_LIB=1 -UHAVE_LIBINTL_H ../../../../libs/luafontforge/fontforge/fontforge/splinerefigure.c
"../../../../libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/basics.h", line 48.25: 1506-334 (S) Identifier int32 has already been defined on line 624 of "/usr/include/sys/inttypes.h".
"../../../../libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/basics.h", line 50.25: 1506-334 (S) Identifier int16 has already been defined on line 623 of "/usr/include/sys/inttypes.h".
"../../../../libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/basics.h", line 52.25: 1506-334 (S) Identifier int8 has already been defined on line 622 of "/usr/include/sys/inttypes.h".
because typedefs in libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/basics.h
were clashing with typedefs in system header