On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Norbert Preining
Related to gcc-7.1? http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2017-June/040192.html
Ahh, sounds reasonable .
OK I see it with gcc 7.1 and -O3 , but not with -O0 It happens when luatex exits and closes the state L; the garbage collector calls the pending finalizers and luaffi fails. I am working on the luaffi code, it could be that will aply the patch. (gdb) fr 1 #1 check_cdata (L=L@entry=0x30e8b90, idx=idx@entry=1, ct=ct@entry=0x7fff8b5aed30) at ../../../source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luaffi/ctype.c:266 266 void* p = to_cdata(L, idx, ct); (gdb) fr 2 #2 0x00000000006845d5 in cdata_gc (L=0x30e8b90) at ../../../source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luaffi/ffi.c:1429 1429 check_cdata(L, 1, &ct); (gdb) fr 3 #3 0x00000000006a9ea8 in luaD_precall (L=L@entry=0x30e8b90, func=<optimized out>, nresults=0) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/ldo.c:319 319 n = (*f)(L); /* do the actual call */ (gdb) fr 4 #4 0x00000000006aa582 in luaD_call (L=0x30e8b90, func=<optimized out>, nResults=<optimized out>, allowyield=<optimized out>) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/ldo.c:401 401 if (!luaD_precall(L, func, nResults)) /* is a Lua function? */ (gdb) fr 5 #5 0x00000000006a9599 in luaD_rawrunprotected (L=0x30e8b90, f=0x6abc30 <dothecall>, ud=0x0) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/ldo.c:131 131 LUAI_TRY(L, &lj, (gdb) fr 6 #6 0x00000000006aa933 in luaD_pcall (L=L@entry=0x30e8b90, func=func@entry=0x6abc30 <dothecall>, u=u@entry=0x0, old_top=896, ef=ef@entry=0) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/ldo.c:603 603 status = luaD_rawrunprotected(L, func, u); (gdb) fr 7 #7 0x00000000006ad750 in GCTM (propagateerrors=0, L=0x30e8b90) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/lgc.c:824 824 status = luaD_pcall(L, dothecall, NULL, savestack(L, L->top - 2), 0); (gdb) fr 8 #8 callallpendingfinalizers (propagateerrors=<optimized out>, L=<optimized out>) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/lgc.c:978 978 GCTM(L, propagateerrors); (gdb) fr 9 #9 luaC_freeallobjects (L=L@entry=0x30e8b90) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/lgc.c:988 988 callallpendingfinalizers(L, 0); (gdb) fr 10 #10 0x00000000006b7677 in close_state (L=0x30e8b90) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/lstate.c:226 226 luaC_freeallobjects(L); /* collect all objects */ (gdb) fr 11 #11 lua_close (L=0x30e8b90) at ../../../source/libs/lua52/lua52-src/src/lstate.c:320 320 close_state(L); (gdb) fr 12 #12 0x0000000000476ff6 in do_final_end () at ../../../source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/errors.w:223 223 lua_close(Luas); /* new per 0.99 */ (gdb) fr 13 #13 0x0000000000447abe in main (ac=<optimized out>, av=<optimized out>) at ../../../source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luatex.c:582 582 main_body(); -- luigi