The crop package doesn't work right when used with luatex (latest svn version). Any reason for this, or is this a bug? See this example: % ------------------------------------- \pdfoutput=1 \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{scrbook} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{paperwidth=150mm, paperheight=217mm, outer=27mm, top=20mm, width=104mm, height=174mm} \usepackage[cam,a4,center]{crop} \begin{document} Hallo Welt \end{document} % ------------------------------------- microtype.sty doesn't work either, btw. But here it is easy to see why: it uses the removed \pdfmatch primitive. Is there any primitive by which one can distinguish between pdftex and luatex? By now, both pretend to be \pdftexversion 140. Regards olli