On 03/05/2018 12:00 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 3/5/2018 5:08 PM, and@linux.pl wrote:
Anybody know how I can set variable in tex?
For example
\count10=20 \def\proste{To jest prosty napis} a\directlua{tex.print(tex.count[10]+5)}b a\directlua{tex.set("\proste","Trudne")}b \proste \bye
I need setup \proste definition to my own string
How I can read TeX variable \mynumber from lua and set variable \mynumber on TeX but set in lua script.
\newcount\MyCount \MyCount = 20
\def\MyMacro{To jest prosty napis}
Interestingly, token.set_macro allows defining macros whose replacement text has unbalanced braces. \directlua{token.set_macro("MyMacro", "\string{")} \expandafter\show\MyMacro \bye Bruno