Hi, I have just uploaded the archives for a new luatex release, 0.45.0. New features: * Loading big OTF fonts via lua is now much faster than before, at the expense of a bit of precision loss in the calculated bounding boxes. * Two new token lists are provided: \pdfxformresources and \pdfxformattr, as an alternative to \pdfxform keywords. * \input and \openin now accept braced filenames. * The \endlinechar can now be set to any value between 0 and 127. * Luatex can now optionally use kpathsea to find lua require() files. * The new primitives \aligntab and \alignmark are aliases for the use of & and # in alignments. * \pdfrefximage [width <dimen>] [height <dimen>] [depth <dimen>] <imageref> overrules settings from \pdfximage for this \pdfrefximage call only * The print precision for small numbers in lua code (tostring) has been improved. * Akira Kakuto suppled a patch that restricts writing to files with names such as latex.bat etc. (on windows only) * (un-feature): from now on luatex now only handles 4 direction specifiers: TLT (latin), TRT (arabic), RTT (cjk), and LTL (mongolian). The other directions now generate an error. * (un-feature): xpdf's automatic lower- and uppercasing retry attempts for nonfound image pdf files has been removed. * The callbacks hpack_filter, vpack_filter and pre_output_filter pass on an extra string argument for the direction, when known (nil == use default). * The lua functions node.hpack(), node.vpack() and node.dimensions() now accept an optional direction argument (not given == use default). * \pdfrefxform [width <dimen>] [height <dimen>] [depth <dimen>] <formref> scales a form object; similar principle as with \pdfximage: depth alone doesn't scale, it shifts vertically. * A change to the relative ordering inside font name discovery for use by the backend: now it tries <f>.psname first, as that is much less likely to contain spaces. * For ttc fonts, now the used subfont name and its index id are printed to the terminal, and if the backend cannot find a ttc subfont, the run is aborted. Bug fixes: * Prevent crashes for lua-loaded fonts without a (tfm) name. * Remove spurious newlines in the output pdf that could be the result of using \pdfximage for an included pdf figure too early. * Full font embedding for wide otf and ttf fonts now really works (older versions only pretended that it did work). * node.dimensions() sometimes continued past the 'stop' node. * Images inside virtual fonts were broken. * The processing of \language=-1 was wrong, resulting in hyphenation attempts even though there was no proper language set up. * Fix for finding files in --output-directory. * Fix for handling of --file-line-error. * tex.box[] assignments are now checked to make sure the assigned node has the right id (hlist or vlist). * show_node_list (as in \showbox) produced spurious local_par whatsit prints in the output after direction nodes. * The handling of pdf literals has been sped up. The archives can be downloaded from supelec as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/luatex/ You could also check out the sources via anonymous svn: svn co http://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.45.0 Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco