Hans Hagen a écrit :
TeXWorld wrote:
I'm new to LuaTeX and Lua in general and I try to find tools to process datas stored in XML files. I want to do this with LaTeX (pdfLuaLaTeX in TeXLive 2008) but there's no tool. Contrary to LaTeX, ConTeXt does have abilities to work with XML files. Do you think it could be possible to have LuaTeX equipped with such abilities one day ? I read in the LuaTeX reference that LuaTeX comes with modules such as LuaZIP that is really a good thing. Do you think it would be possible to have something like the LuaXML module added to luatex too ?
this is not so much related to luatex (typesetting engine) but more to the input which can be anything (tex, database, xml, whatever); context does not use libraries but does xml in pure lua
Hello Hans, hello everybody I did not answer since Taco gave me a solution...
adding all kind of 'modules' to lua will make it way too big and unmaintainable (apart from philosophical debates about which of the many variants to choose)
Yes of course
in the future there will be an option to load libraries (once we've sorted out the best way to deal with it in a secure way in the tex tree etc) I was recently thinking about that and that's really good news. I have several questions :
-when do you think this option could be available il LuaTeX ? This year ? -who will decide which lua modules will be available for/used with LuaTeX ? Users ? -could it be possible to install and remove any of them ? Is it the kind of thing that could be done with the TeX distribution (I'm thinking of tlmgr in TeXLive for example)
but even then maintainance of libraries is not part of luatex itself (the exceptions are the libs we really need for typesetting, like fontforge which are also adapted to luatex and therefore part of the kernel; luazip and luasocket somehow fit in the core but database connectivity, xml handling etc is way off)