Hi folks, still experimenting on luatex, below is a test file of my own that uses the 32 possibilities. Here is the output with hboxes and vboxes hilighted respectively in blue and orange Before I work on the vertical boxes, could you confirm that it is the expected behaviour ? In particular, I find it very weird that sometimes the text is outside the box that contains it. For example on page 3, the rectangle filled with light blue corresponds to "\hbox to 5cm" below which box direction is "dir_TL_". Inside, we have the "vbox" which box direction is "dir_LT_". \synctex=1 \def\sample{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \par\noindent Praesent vitae massa sem. Donec venequatis sem et leptus viverra in adipiscing metus vestibulum. Sed accumsan rugitrum sem ut tincidunt. Aenean diam nulla, egestas nec dignissim vitae, congue sed lacus. Nulla inequalis blandit diam eu rutrum.} \def\test#1{\pardir TLT\textdir TLT Test:#1 \par\kern 20pt\leavevmode\kern 200pt \hbox to 200pt{% \pardir#1 \textdir#1 \setuplayout[textwidth=200pt]% \vbox{\sample}% }% \page[yes]% } \starttext \showframe \test{TLT}\test{TRT}\test{LTT}\test{LBT}\test{BLT}\test{BRT}\test{RTT} \test{RBT} \test{TLB}\test{TRB}\test{LTB}\test{LBB}\test{BLB}\test{BRB}\test{RTB} \test{RBB} \test{TLL}\test{TRL}\test{LTL}\test{LBL}\test{BLL}\test{BRL}\test{RTL} \test{RBL} \test{TLR}\test{TRR}\test{LTR}\test{LBR}\test{BLR}\test{BRR}\test{RTR} \test{RBR} \stoptext \endinput