Am 04.08.18 um 19:44 schrieb Thomas de Vivo:
dear dev-luatex list, I'm an estimator of (La)Tex and the work done Donald Knuth -- as well as the work that you all are doing -- and I'm following this list since a while. Few time ago I have been in touch with Patrick Gundlach of https://www.speedata.de/en/ a publishing system based on LuateX. My concern and goal would be to be able to control the looseness of paragraphs while paging a text, so to minimize widows and orphans in the resulting document. In practical terms, when the system finds that a widow is being produced, then it tries to make the relevant paragraph more dense, or even more than one, in order to fit all the text in the page. (This is not currently possible using Speedata) I would like to know whether LuaTex offers such control, on in other terms whether the pagination algorithm is as sophisticated as the famous linebreak algorithm of Tex/Latex. (thing in my opinion highly desirable) Alternatively, I would like to know what files I have to check in the distribution of Lua to reach such a result. Thank you and kind regards (Thomas)
as Hans said, there is no production code in that space, largely due to the fact that the problems in that space are very difficult to solve (often NP) and managing the real-life conflicting requirements is challenging. And if you restrict yourself then the class of documents that can be handled gets very limited. I have done some research on that in the last couple of years and the result can be found at: https://www.latex-project.org/publications/indexbytopic/pagination/ Basically this proves that suitable results can be produced in adequate time spans (under reasonable conditions) but so far I have only published the research not any code --- doing the latter would mean further work that I estimate at several hundreds of hours so I'm not sure when that can be undertaken (unless I find sponsors for it) frank