Hi Jérome, Jérome Laurens wrote:
For the moment, I focus on hlists and I have a few questions.
1) I found that \pardir ignores the first letter argument, is it expected behaviour ?
It ignores the third letter, not the first.
2) What is the difference between \texdir LTB and \textdir RTB ?
All direction specifiers are set up in the same way: * The first key is the "paragraph progression front edge". A paragraph consists of lines that are stacked starting from this edge. * The second key is the "line progression front edge". Lines consist of glyphs that are placed starting from this edge. * The third is the "glyph orientation". This specifier is only used for special fonts (that I have never seen an actual example of, it is an Omega-specific font extension, afaik). So TLT == paragraphs progress downward (while creating lines), lines progress rightward (while adding glyphs), and the glyphs stand upright. Possible values are T (top) L (left) R (right) B (bottom), and the first and second have to be perpendicular, resulting in eight possible main directions (TL* TR* BL* BR* LT* LB* RT* RB*).
3) for a box created with \texdir LTB , the height and the depth are equal. Is it always true ?
4) I saw that text direction has something to do with rulers, but what about the other nodes ?
I cannot answer these two questions quickly (by now, Hartmut probably understands the direction output better than I do).
On another respect, I see that none of luatex nor context command supports the -synctex option. Is there a special reason or is it just a bug ?
luatex --synctex=NUMBER certainly should work (and it does here). The "context" command does not accept --synctex at the moment. Best wishes, Taco