Hi Vladimir, Vladimir Volovich wrote:
*please* fix these portability problems, otherwise it will be painful and time consuming to do this again.
attached patch is only a suggested way to fix the problem; you may choose to use slightly different approach in some case(s). please let me know if the nature of the problem(s) is not clear from the patch.
I am going through this now. My comments: xxx/xxx/Makefile: Patches are fine for texlive, but I will not apply these changes in the upstream. These packages do not use autoconf (yet) and I really need the -Wall etc. while developing. libs/luafilesystem/src/lfs.c: I changedthat a bit because your patch broke compilation on win32. libs/luafontforge/fontforge/inc/basics.h: what was the problem? You have commented out some typedefs, but these should be harmless. (Fontforge is upstream for me myself, so I prefer not to make changes to headers unlees absolutely necessary.) src/texk/web2c/luatexdir/font/luafont.c: one of the new "halfword next"s was a level off. Best wishes, Taco