20 Apr
20 Apr
5:38 p.m.
On 15 April 2010 17:46, T T
On 15 April 2010 17:18, Taco Hoekwater
wrote: T T wrote:
On 15 April 2010 16:34, Taco Hoekwater
wrote: Or any other older version, I'm sure. All commandline related stuff is in luainit.w, I think.
I probably need to svn up, because I can only find luainit.c, no luainit.w.
And now I suddenly see what is going wrong: your backslash is intercepted by the code that looks for "luatex \\relax ...".
OK, you will probably know how to fix this better than I do (still can't find that in the code).
Should be fixed by #3621 (in branches/0.60.x/, so far) please try it out.
It is fixed. Thanks, Tomek