Am 02.08.2010 20:43, schrieb Taco Hoekwater:
Peter Rolf wrote:
i couldn't find fontconfig.h in the sources. the packages 'fontconfig' and 'fontconfig-config' were already installed on my debian system, but *'libfontconfig1-dev'* was not.
I'll try tomorrow what happens here after I remove the fontconfig dev stuff. The end result does not depend on fontconfig at all, it is almost certainly easy to fix.
Best wishes, Taco
thanks taco. i need a 'fresh' luatex binary to test a problem with 0.61. i get a corrupt pdf (related to color shadings) if i use '--mode=gray' (implicit color to gray conversion). probably a (solved?) luatex bug, but without a newer binary from trunk i cannot say. best wishes, Peter --------------------------- IF YOU DON'T WATCH IT, SOMEONE ELSE WILL (Futurama season6/episode7)