What one would need is something like a unique group _id_, and a means to check whether a certain group id is dead (the group has ended) or not. Something like that.
Maybe a callback could be created: function group_callback(type, where) where "type" would denote if the group was opened/closed using \begingroup/ \endgroup or { }, and "where" would be "before_begin", "after_begin", "before_end", "after_end", so code could be executed inside and outside the group. This callback could then manage group_ids as well as a stack with all living groups: \begingroup (id 1 => stack: 1) \begingroup (id 2 => stack: 1 2) \endgroup (stack: 1) \endgroup (stack: empty) \begingroup (id 3 => stack: 3) ... Also, with this callback, one could create a multi-token aftergroup (since the \endgroup would already have been consumed, anything printed to TeX would be inserted after the end of the group): function group_callback(type, where) if where == "before_end" then -- Assume there is a toks register \aftergroupToks tex.sprint(tex.toks["aftergroupToks"]) end end Example: \begingroup \aftergroupToks={\foo\bar} \endgroup % Now \foo\bar would be inserted here Of course, catcodes would be reassigned. Maybe not what is desired.
David Kastrup