On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Hartmut Henkel
Hi Khaled,
On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Khaled Hosny wrote:
The image node placement code doesn't doesn't handle directional changes, which results in wrong placement of images in right-left (and other) directions, see the attached simple test suit (all images should fit into the frames). This patch attempts to fix this, but it does handle _LT/_LB and _RT/_RB only, as I can't test the others in PDF mode.
thanks for the patch and test files, looks fine. One question is not clear to me: Why do you use font_direction() and not box_direction()? E. g., dir_TL_ instead of dir__LT? Isn't an image something line/page oriented? Would you run into problems if images would be box_direction() based? You can still move them perpendicularly to the base line by height/depth.
(I just switched rule handling to box_direction(), it was also based on font_direction, but many directions didn't produce a rule at all.)
Regards, Hartmut
I was working on an older svn revision and I tried to follow rule handling. I redid it to use box_direction instead, I didn't spot any problems so far. -- Khaled