Hello all, I've found some strange behavior with hyphenation; but since hyphenation has been discussed frequently, and might involve some settings in conf files somewhere I'm not aware of, I wouldn't like to submit an unnecessary tracker item in case the problem is well known. The code is: \hsize=0pt \overfullrule=0pt \hyphenation{W-h-a-t-e-v-e-r} \uchyph=1 Acceptation Behavior Dying Expression Whatever \uchyph=0 Acceptation Behavior Dying Expression Whatever \bye And comparing the plain TeX compilation in PDFTeX and LuaTeX (all from TL2011, except LuaTeX, which is rev 4358), I notice that: - LuaTeX doesn't obey \uchyph=0; it does hyphenate the words, although not as completely as when \uchyph=1. - "Acceptation" is hyphenated in LuaTeX even though it's the first word, and a hyphenable word should be preceded by a glue (see TeXbook p.256); it is not hyphenated in PDFTeX. - As shown by the hyphenation of "Whatever", LuaTeX disregards \lefthyphenmin and \righthypenmin. Does it ring any bell, or should I add it to the tracker item? Best, Paul