15 Apr
15 Apr
5:26 p.m.
On 15 April 2010 15:31, Taco Hoekwater
T T wrote:
$ texlua \\.\H:\DEV\scratch\arg0test.lua No script file given
There is a stat() test in luainit.w (the is_readable macro) which probably fails for UNC files. I can try a patch, but it would be better if a true windows user would do so (I can guess but not test).
I can try to patch it but stat() does not seem to be the problem. I've made a quick test and stat() seems to work OK on UNC paths (gcc & tcc). I suspect there may be some file parsing doing on but I don't see where. I should mention that I tested with TL's texlua (beta-0.40.6-2009110118) but I get the same with beta-0.52.0-2010031700 (rev 3515). Cheers, Tomek