Hi Hans and luigi,
Hans Hagen
writes: Because file and token input follows a different route in luatex an dcan also be influenced by lua mix-in (which itself can result in intermediate flushing or position adjustments of log outpout) it is best to assume that it's not the same as in pdftex. To a large extent is it the same but there are definitely differences. In this case I'd strip / ignore spaces before comparing. So here it probably more a side effect than a bug and 'fixing' this might as well introduce side effects someplace else.
(there are various position states wrt logging: terminal as well as log file and they can run in sync or out of sync depending on the situation and log related parameters, as well as writing from lua or tex, combined with configuration setting ... so we have sort of a complex commprimis)
Thanks for your insights. I understand the complexity involved in this issue.
luigi scarso
writes: I will check it this weekend.
Thank you, I'll wait. Regards, Ikumi Keita #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine