It seems that you are not open for discussion. Taco, Hans, et al have asked you for explanations why you believe your approach is better, but you missed to provide facts.
I am open to discussions, and I think Hans said " a short description of the primitives is a good start" and I tried my first attempt by sending that doc explaining some of the primitives.
That is life, those who are doing the programming work have the rights to make decisions, and without good arguments from other sides they will do what they think best.
And since there are quite a lot working with Arabic texts here on the list and it seems nobody chimed in with you, it seems that you are having an even smaller ground.
They still do not know much about the system that I am talking about. But I do not understand your purpose by saying that? Are you saying that it was a mistake that I decided to discuss about bidirectional algorithm? or you are putting me down and trying to tell me "get lost"? ok, if you wish so, I do then.
Anyway, if you come back with good arguments I am sure Taco and Hans and Idris and whoever will take it up.
I have not finished yet and I have not gone thorough all of the features of TeX-e-Parsi, so I do not know what are your points? _________________________________________________________________ Holiday cheer from Messenger. Download free emoticons today! http://livelife.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=669758