On 10/31/07, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Norbert Preining wrote:
Hi all!
One user of Debian wanted to build a luatex based latex format (he wanted to test some examples from the luatex.org documentation slides, using the old \lua{...} code, anyway).
Unfortunaltely this will not work in any way because there are so many hyphenation patterns using non-ascii and non-utf8 content. All those of course break.
Is there any suggested way how to cope with this?
It should be possible to use the (UTF-8) pattern files from xelatex, but I don't know how those are packaged.
XeTeX uses a kind-of-quick-and-dirty-hack, but it should work for LuaTeX. Take a look into xu-XXhyph.tex (where XX denotes the language), where you can find the following lines: \expandafter\ifx\csname XeTeXrevision\endcsname\relax \else It now recognises XeTeX, but you can modify it to recognise LuaTeX as well. On the other hand, stary by removing (commenting) languages from language.dat, so that there will be far less files to modify for the start. Mojca