listas@tex-tipografia.com wrote:
2009/10/20 Javier Múgica
: While computing gliph spacing by analyzing the glyph's shapes may be too involved, a good, easier solution could be that, in addition to It mustn't be. I think what you are looking for is optical kerning.
I don't think so. I presume what he's proposing is something similar to what Microsoft is doing (or trying to do) in its new math font tables.
If something like that microsoft stuf was in the font, it would be quite easy for luatex to make use of it. Interpreting the actual charstrings would go too far, but applying some sort of blocky shape (especially if it only has horizontal and vertical lines) would be quite easy. It sounds like thus needs a lot of work on the font design side, though. Best wishes, Taco