On 11 Aug 2022, at 14:08, paolo de luca
wrote: Hi all,
I've been trying to import all tex files and inside a given folder, the issue I'm facing is that my lua call is not able to navigate folders: it only works for files. It's worth mentioning that compilation successfully completes as the document is created, but I have no errors explaining me why it's not working as intended. I've also opened a question on tex.stackexchange.
would you mind having a look at it ?
See comment on SX. Don't 'return' the nested call, and it works just fine. function inputAll(dir) for content in lfs.dir(dir) do if ("." ~= content) and (".." ~= content) then fullpath = dir .."/".. content contentType = lfs.attributes(fullpath, "mode") if isTexFile(content, contentType) then tex.sprint(" \\ input{" .. fullpath .. "}") elseif ("directory" == contentType) then -- return inputAll(fullpath) end end end end Best wishes, Taco — Taco Hoekwater E: taco@bittext.nl genderfluid (all pronouns)