26 May
26 May
10:01 a.m.
Hi, I've committed a new version. This one has slnunicode embedded and enabled, so this should work: \directlua0{ dofile("unitest") } % file is in slnunicode dir Also, the luatex binary now exports its symbol table and links with -ldl, so dynamic lua require's should also work: \directlua0{ require "zip" % you need to have zip.so zfile = zip.open("cont-tmf.zip") for i,v in zfile:files() do tex.print (i.filename) end zfile:close() } For fp: sorry, even more linux-specific stuff in the makefiles. This code is far from finished, I am just playing around trying to figure out how to set it all up in a clean manner. Cheers, Taco