The reason for this message is this: what are items that need to be virtualized, and which ones can easily be left alone?
For example
returns an array of 4 integer numbers. It seems to me that it makes not that much sense to write a dedicated userdata object for such boundingboxes: the method call overhead will probably outweigh the gain from using less memory.
On the other hand,
can be enormous (as it is in the punknova.kern case) and should probably be converted.
Does anybody want to think about a shortlist of such items?
Wow! Thank you for preserving objects access interface; it seems I don't need to change anything. Among glyph.kerns I'd vote to virtualize glyph.lookups, as this is the _most_ scary part, especially in non-latin fonts. Possibly also glyph.anchors Regarding mappings, I think that every of the following loaded_font.map.map loaded_font.map.backmap loaded_font.map.enc could be available on demand. Regards -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl